Early February, one of my girl friends asked me if I'd like to be gratitude accountability partners. She explained that we could simply text each other daily the things we're grateful for. I'm a person to express gratitude often so I immediately said yes! One book that changed my consistency with expressing gratitude is, What I Know For Sure By Oprah Winfrey.
Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
My normal routine to express gratitude was praying and thanking God for the common things like food, shelter, growth, safety, etc. Since reading the book above and sharing this exercise with my friend, I've become more aware of the smallest things I'm blessed with everyday. By verbally expressing how thankful I am (for the simplest things) I'm inviting more into my life daily.
A few examples of what I sent to her is: "I am grateful for fresh air in the mornings. I am grateful to be in a space to check myself when I'm wrong. I am grateful to be in a space to wish others well. I am grateful for my emotional growth. I am grateful to for restful sleep. I am grateful for my morning smoothie. I find gratitude in knowing what's for me is for me."
It's so simple yet very rewarding. Try it. What are you genuinely grateful for? Leave it in a comments!